Academic Progression and Grading Criteria

Passing Grade

The minimum passing grade required for a nursing (NUR) course is a B (80 percent). Any grade below a B (80 percent) is a failing grade. In order to pass a nursing course that consists of both didactic and clinical/laboratory portions, students must receive at least a B (80 percent) for the didactic portion of the course and a P (Passing) for the clinical/laboratory portion. A failure in either the didactic or clinical/laboratory portion of a nursing course will result in a failing grade for the entire course.

The minimum passing grade for all science (SCI) courses is C+ (75 percent).

Repeating a Nursing Course

Nursing students who receive a grade of C+ or below in any nursing (NUR) course must repeat that course. A minimum grade of B in the repeated course is required to remain in the program. A maximum of one NUR course may be repeated once throughout the LPN to BSN program.

Repeating a Science Course

LPN to BSN students who receive a grade of C or below in any science course required in the program must repeat that course. A minimum grade of C+ in the repeated course is required to pass the course.

Students are reminded that they may only attempt to pass a single course two times, including one repeat. A student wishing to take a course for a third time, regardless of whether the repeated grade is passing or failing, must obtain written permission from the Dean of the School/Division in which the course is offered. 

Note that failed courses may lead to repeat fees and may also delay graduation.

Automatic Dismissal

Students who earn a second failing grade in a NUR course, whether in the course they are repeating or in a different course, will be automatically dismissed from the LPN to BSN program.