Program Outcomes

Upon completion of the Master of Science in Nursing, students are expected to achieve 10 (ten) program outcomes (program learning objectives-PLOs). These program outcomes are tied to the mission of Berkeley College and represent the belief of the Nursing faculty and administration who strive to ensure that students graduate from the program with the same foundational knowledge and demonstrable skills, and that graduates bring commensurate knowledge and practical skills to the workforce. Achievement of the program outcomes will provide all graduates of the MSN program the opportunity to develop comparable skill sets. The program learning objectives are:

Caring: Demonstrate caring attitudes and behaviors in accordance with ethically responsible and legally accountable nursing practice with the goal of preserving dignity, and aspirations of promoting health and wellness for individuals, patients, and self.

Communication: Demonstrate effective communication skills in therapeutic interactions, interprofessional information sharing, and scholarly dissemination to achieve quality client outcomes and lateral integration of care.

Technological Aptitude: Use technology competently to deliver and enhance care, to promote quality improvement, to preserve safety, to integrate and coordinate care, to collaborate with interprofessional teams, and to continuously improve health-care outcomes.

Cultural Competence: Analyze systems’ responses to health and illness to improve the promotion, restoration, and maintenance of health that reflect respect across diverse cultures, religions, value-systems, and many other aspects of life and living.

Ethics: Apply ethical analysis and clinical reasoning to assess, intervene, and evaluate advanced nursing care delivery.

Lifelong Learning: Exhibit ongoing commitment to maintain knowledge and nursing skills necessary to provide quality patient care by engaging in systematic inquiry, investigation, and new knowledge generation.

Leadership: Demonstrate the ability to effectively apply knowledge of leadership theory to synthesize organizational systems for cost-effective nursing practice that contributes to high-quality healthcare delivery, to utilize the nursing team resources, and to provide leadership when partnering with the interprofessional healthcare team.

Evidence-Based Practice: Integrate theory, evidence, clinical judgment, research, and interprofessional perspectives to evaluate health needs of diverse populations and to guide decision making that demonstrates best nursing practices for improvement of health services in a global society.

Global Health: Analyze advance nurse practitioner's accountability for healthcare outcomes and for the assessment, planning, and implementation of cost-effective healthcare strategies that reduce health disparities in patient/population cohorts.

Health Educator and Advocate: Use appropriate teaching/learning principles, strategies, and technology to facilitate the learning of clients, groups, and other healthcare professionals to influence health and healthcare.