Counting Cases

Cases will be counted according to surgical specialty. For example: 

  1. A procedure on the same patient that requires different set-ups and includes different specialties may be counted as separate cases.
    • A mastectomy procedure (general surgery) followed with immediate reconstruction or augmentation (plastics and reconstruction) are counted as separate cases
    • Trauma patient requires a splenectomy and repair of a LeFort I fracture. Two cases can be counted and documented since the splenectomy is general surgery specialty and repair of LeFort I is oral-maxillofacial surgical specialty
  2. Patient requires a breast biopsy followed by a mastectomy. It is one pathology, breast cancer, and the specialty is general surgery; therefore, it is counted and documented as one procedure - one case.
  3. Endoscopic cases that convert to an open case (i.e., laparoscopic cholecystectomy converted to an open cholecystectomy) are counted and documented as one procedure - one case.

Diagnostic endoscopy cases and vaginal delivery cases are not mandatory. But up to 10 diagnostic endoscopic cases and five vaginal delivery cases can be counted toward the maximum number of Second Scrub Role cases.

Observation cases must be documented, but do not count toward the 120 required cases.