Health Requirements
In addition to adhering to all Berkeley College policies regarding health and safety, students enrolled in the Medical Assistant program are encouraged to be immunized against hepatitis B and tetanus. Students are required to comply with all health and safety related requirements established by their assigned practicum site. Necessary immunizations can be obtained from the local public health department at a nominal cost. The cost associated with these immunizations will be borne by the student.
Clinical affiliates may require clinical students to have a yearly influenza vaccine. A COVID vaccine and available boosters are strongly recommended. Please note that some sites may also require weekly PCR testing in addition to the COVID vaccination series. Clinical affiliates also may require students to provide proof of individual health insurance or be an eligible dependent or beneficiary of another person’s accident and health insurance policy. Students not able to meet these requirements may find it difficult to complete the required clinical rotation(s) and/or progress in the program.
Health Advisory
Berkeley College’s Medical Assistant program is physically and mentally challenging. During the clinical and laboratory portions of the program, students will be exposed to healthcare situations where there is an increased risk of exposure to strenuous activity, communicable diseases, radiation, and toxic substances.
Medical Assistant students may be exposed to a variety of other situations and substances which could potentially affect students with medical conditions that include, but are not limited to, asthma, allergies, and pregnancy. If a student becomes pregnant during the practicum, these exposures can harm the student’s unborn baby. If you are concerned, you should consult with your healthcare provider prior to participating in the clinical practicum to ensure you are physically capable of remaining in the program and meeting all relevant technical standards outlined in this Handbook. Neither Berkeley College nor its affiliating clinical agencies shall be held responsible for any harm that might occur to a fetus or pregnant student.
Any student who is unable to continue in clinical courses based on the recommendation of her/his healthcare provider will be afforded the opportunity, once medically cleared, to return to the program pending course availability.