Clinical Practicum Overview

While in school, students will gain knowledge and skills that will prepare them for their new career. The practicum is designed to provide students with the opportunity to utilize this newfound knowledge under the supervision of healthcare professionals. Through this system of performance and feedback, students will acquire confidence and viable experience to complement their classroom training.

The practicum will consist of training, usually completed within an academic term. Each student is expected to accommodate the hours of the practicum site. If a student holds a job and his/her work schedule conflicts with the practicum hours, then the student’s College program must take precedence. A student in a practicum observes the regularly scheduled office hours of the site assigned, rather than the College’s vacation, holiday, or snow hours. Since a prescribed number of hours is required for practicum, the student is responsible for making up all hours missed due to hours canceled by the office. Students must remain at the site for the duration of their scheduled practicum.

Many clinical affiliates now require personal interviews prior to accepting students for practicum assignments.  Therefore, students should be prepared with a current resume, professional attire, and a professional outlook on the profession.

Since the practicum period is a culmination of the student’s program and permits the student to practice in a realistic work setting prior to graduation, it is a prerequisite for a student to satisfactorily complete most courses within the program prior to enrolling in the practicum course.

The clinical time schedule will be assigned at the beginning of each term at the discretion of the Clinical Coordinator, based on site availability.


Students are responsible for transportation to and from clinical sites. Any parking or transportation fees are the responsibility of the student. Students should not expect to be placed at a clinical site within their immediate surrounding area.  Clinical placement depends on several factors including site availability and the status of the clinical affiliation with the College. Clinical placement can be made within a 50-mile radius of the student’s home campus and depends upon site availability.