English Courses

ENG1105 Writing and Research

An introduction to expository writing through a comprehensive survey of forms of composition. Students are taught to use words with precision and strengthen their understanding and application of grammatical and rhetorical principles. Students are encouraged to appreciate and incorporate the principles of academic and professional writing.

3 Credit Hours

ENG2205 Writing Through Literature

Further develops the writing, reading, and interpretive abilities introduced in ENG1105 through critical engagement with literary texts from a myriad of genres. 

Prerequisite: ENG1105

3 Credit Hours

ENG2211 American Voices

Introduces the study of American literature focusing on the evolution and transformation of American voices. The analysis of literature is used to develop an understanding of American cultures, national identities, and ethnicities. Selections include short stories, novels, drama, and poetry.

Prerequisite: ENG2205

3 Credit Hours

ENG2215 Public Speaking

Designed to help students improve oral communication skills. Emphasis is placed on identifying good and poor speech habits, techniques for improving speech, oral interpretation, effective speech planning and delivery, and interpersonal communication.

Prerequisite or Corequisite: ENG2205

3 Credit Hours

ENG2216 World Literature

Provides insight into the human experience through reading and discussing a selection of essays, stories, poetry, and drama. Students identify, consider, and discuss universally relevant themes and develop the skills of analysis and comparison.

Prerequisite: ENG2205

3 Credit Hours

ENG2265 Business Communication

Explores practical communication strategies and techniques needed for success in a continuously evolving work environment. 

Prerequisite: ENG2205

3 Credit Hours

ENG2270 Special Topics in English

Involves readings and discussions, at an introductory level, organized around selected topics in English. Topics vary each semester.

3 Credit Hours 

ENG3215 The Confident Speaker

Designed to help students strengthen their oral communication, public speaking, and listening skills. Students learn how to use language for greater impact, their voice as an instrument, and to craft and deliver well-organized audience-centered speeches that engage the senses and mind.

Prerequisite: ENG2215

3 Credit Hours

ENG3300 The Art of Poetry

Introduces students to poetry and the infinite beauty of the written word. By reading and analyzing various types of poems, students learn to appreciate poetry as an art form that explores our commonality and overcomes racial, ethnic, and social differences.

Prerequisite: ENG2205

3 Credit Hours

ENG3313 Creative Writing

Introduces a wide range of techniques in writing fiction, poetry, drama, and literary nonfiction. Students will generate original material and study texts by published authors. Emphasis is placed on workshops in which students review one another’s work.

Prerequisite: ENG2205

3 Credit Hours

ENG3316 The Confident Writer 

Explores a wide variety of non-fiction writing genres, including personal profile, journalism, criticism, and more. Students build their reading, writing, and researching skills while also reinforcing the fundamental concepts and current developments associated with the areas of their respective majors.

Prerequisite: ENG2205

3 Credit Hours

ENG3332 Journeys in Fiction

Introduces the study of narrative fiction, with particular emphasis on the short story and novel. Literary works will represent a broad range of cultural perspectives and historical eras. By means of analyzing and interpreting a variety of works, students enhance their creative, interpretative, and critical thinking skills.

Prerequisite: ENG2205

3 Credit Hours

ENG4400 Scientific and Technical Communications

Introduces students to the techniques of objective reporting on scientific and technical material. Topics covered include research techniques, information design, principles of technical exposition, effective use of graphics, study of language uses, preparation and presentation of oral reports, writing samples and principles of various technical reports including manuals, proposals, and abstracts.

Prerequisites: ENG2215, ENG3316

3 Credit Hours

ENG4470 Special Topics in English

Involves readings and discussions, at an advanced level, organized around selected topics in English. Topics vary each semester.

Prerequisite: Any 2000-level course in English

3 Credit Hours