Social Sciences Courses
SOC1123 First Year Experience
Explores the challenges students most frequently face in pursuing and achieving a college degree. Students will identify their own perceived challenges, share critical insights to meeting them, and implement their own plan of action to address and overcome such challenges.
3 Credit Hours
SOC2110 AI-Powered Communication
Explore emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) trends and their social and ethical implications. Analyze the impact of AI on content generation, creativity, media production, and employment. With a focus on academic and professional integrity, students will develop and apply AI literacy skills in a variety of contexts.
3 Credit Hours
SOC2205 World Cultures
Introduces cultural anthropology. In order to better understand humanity, the course examines norms, values, and practices of a variety of cultures.
3 Credit Hours
SOC2210 Introduction to Sociology
Introduces the study of sociology. Examines the social institutions that shape and influence the behavior of the individual and groups in society, with emphasis on examining contemporary social problems. Topics include the study of human social life, theories and methods of sociology, and basic sociological concepts.
3 Credit Hours
SOC2215 Introduction to Political Science
Provides an overview of the American political system, the ideas that shaped it, and the conflicts that continue to redefine the relationship between people and political power.
3 Credit Hours
SOC2218 Police and Society
Introduces the history and traditions of American policing. Examines the role of the police in advancing justice in a democratic society. Topics include law enforcement operations and strategies, such as profiling, organizational structure, community affairs, police use of force, and various major concerns in public policy.
3 Credit Hours
SOC2220 Criminology
Introduces the various causes of crime in a free society. This course considers factors such as free will, biology, and other possible causes, such as DNA, nutrition, hormones, and subcultures of violence.
3 Credit Hours
SOC2225 Introduction to Psychology
Survey of the basic principles of psychology and their direct application to the understanding of human behavior so as to allow students to gain an understanding and awareness of their own everyday existence. Topics include human development, learning, memory, thinking, intelligence, creativity, motivation, emotion, adjustment, perception, abnormal behavior, and therapy.
3 Credit Hours
SOC2230 Victimology
Focuses on criminal victimization of women, men, children, the elderly, minorities, immigrants, and LGBTQ populations. The nature of the victimization process, the relationship between victims and offenders and the victims, and the criminal justice system will be explored. Various practical applications and policies will also be covered.
3 Credit Hours
SOC2231 Human Relations
Explores the interpersonal skills known to be key ingredients for successful everyday interactions with a focus on the challenges of workplace relationships involving coworkers, supervisors, and customers/clients. Some major skill areas covered in the course include making a good impression with your employer, managing conflict with difficult coworkers, working on a team with diverse groups of people, providing exceptional service for customers/clients, and managing on-the-job stressors.
3 Credit Hours
SOC2270 Special Topics in the Social Sciences
Involves readings and discussions, at an introductory level, organized around selected topics in the social sciences. Topics will vary each semester.
1 to 3 Credit Hours
SOC3110 Create an Equitable Workforce
Explores power constructs in everyday interactions in the workplace through the lens of race, gender and other categories of identity with a focus on the challenges of workplace relationships involving coworkers, supervisors, and customers/clients. Some major skill areas covered in the course include recognizing conscious and unconscious biases and micro-aggressions, managing conflict related to various biases and successfully working on diverse teams.
3 Credit Hours
SOC3120 Corporate Social Responsibility
Examines the primary social responsibilities played by three types of institutions: businesses, governments, and nonprofit groups. Students will participate in a critical review and discussion of various perspectives on the meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility, its underlying philosophy, sustainable business practices, moral duties and obligations, and other related topics, as presented in this course.
3 Credit Hours
SOC3305 Marriage and Family
Explores the traditional and changing family as a social institution with multicultural and cross-cultural differences. Family roles and patterns are examined with emphasis on the forms they assume in different cultures and subcultures, including ethnic and class variations.
3 Credit Hours
SOC3310 Intercultural Communication
Introduces the various cultural influences on communication. Emphasizes the obstacles and portals to effective communication. Students study the communication styles of different cultural groups and learn to apply cultural perspectives to their daily interactions in business and in their private lives.
3 Credit Hours
SOC3318 Drugs and Drug Policy
Examines the intersection of drugs, crime, and the criminal justice system in the U.S. Society from a historical and contemporary perspective. This course also reviews and analyzes local, state, national, and international drug control policies. Topics will include the war on drugs, draconian drug laws, decriminalization and legalization of cannabis, the opioid crisis, prevention, treatment, and more.
3 Credit Hours
SOC3320 Gender, Race, and Class
Explores relationships between race, gender, and class. This course examines reality in the determination of socioeconomic mobility and analyzes the perceived role of race and gender in American society.
3 Credit Hours
SOC3332 Understanding Social Behavior
Examines areas of applied social psychology and the application of social psychology research to understand and address social and practical problems facing individuals, organizations, groups, and communities. Emphasis is placed on how to develop social research-based intervention strategies to improve best practices in a wide range of professional disciplines such as business management, clinical/counseling services, criminal justice, education, health services, media, and politics.
3 Credit Hours
SOC3350 Psychology of Design
Introduces the role and value of design in our lives. We create the environments in which we live and are greatly influenced by them. Our choices are often an unconscious desire to express or validate certain personal and social identities. In this course, students think, experience, research, discuss, and create.
3 Credit Hours
SOC3360 Law and Society
Introduces students to basic concepts in law and examines the impact that major court decisions have on culture and subculture. Students will explore how the law ultimately shapes conduct, ideals, and justice in American society, as well as how the law shapes the everyday lives of its citizens.
3 Credit Hours
SOC4100 Sociology of Leisure Travel
Explores the role of travel and leisure behaviors in the lives of different individuals, social-groups, and cultures. Using a psycho-social lens, students will critically examine and evaluate topics such as: functions of leisure and travel activities, leisure and travel perceptions and priorities, and patterns of leisure and travel behaviors. How business policy and decisions are influenced by travel and leisure trends will also be examined.
3 Credit Hours
SOC4110 Manage Organizational Bias
Examines discrimination in the United States including current legal protections for all protected classes. Explores how positive, inclusive relationships can be developed at both societal and organizational levels. Through exploring bias and inequality constructs, diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies will be developed and applied using interactive scenarios.
3 Credit Hours
SOC4410 Lifespan Human Development
Explores major concepts and theories of human development from a lifespan perspective and considers their application to the real world. Students will examine several domains of development, including physical, cognitive, social, and personality, and will consider contemporary research to inform our understanding of human development as a lifelong process, which unfolds over time in a social, cultural and historical context.
3 Credit Hours
SOC4415 Global Conflict
Explores global trends that have impacted all societies. This course emphasizes developing nations experiencing extensive technological and social change. In this course, the effects of global change on cultures are discussed, as well as the impact of international social and economic development on traditional societies.
3 Credit Hours
SOC4422 Forensic Psychology
Bridges psychology and law through examining a broad array of subtopics such as criminal behavior, juvenile delinquency, serial killers, profiling, victimology, legal psychology, sex offenders, and correctional psychology. Students will review research methods and case studies to enhance their understanding of this discipline.
3 Credit Hours
SOC4425 Abnormal Psychology
Examines the criteria used to define abnormal behavior in specific cultural and historical contexts. Students gain an understanding of experiential and therapeutic responses to mental illness and a basic knowledge of the medical model as it applies to the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders.
3 Credit Hours
SOC4470 Special Topics in the Social Sciences
Involves readings and discussions, at an advanced level, organized around selected topics in the social sciences. Topics vary each semester.
Prerequisite: Any 2000-level course in the Social Sciences
1 to 3 Credit Hours