Health Services Management Courses

HSM1000 Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare System

This course provides students with the foundational knowledge of the United States healthcare system from a business perspective. Students will gain insights into the structure and operation of the U.S. healthcare system and explore the challenges in delivering effective healthcare. The course covers key stakeholders in the healthcare industry, the organization, administration, and financing of healthcare services, the role of government in healthcare delivery, and key ethical and legal considerations in today’s healthcare environment. This course will emphasize the importance of a systems perspective in understanding and addressing the complex challenges of today’s healthcare industry.

3 Credit Hours

HSM1110 Role of the Community Health Worker

Provides the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for Community Health Workers to use their experience, knowledge, and skills to improve evidence-based healthcare practices through education of community members, organizers, and legislators. Cultural, ethical and legal considerations will be examined. The course will survey community health standards of care, examine the role of the Community Health Worker, and provide a case analysis of community healthcare-based scenarios within the context of applicable legal and ethical standards. Students’ knowledge of the healthcare delivery process will be increased to improve community health.

3 Credit Hours

HSM2000 Foundations of Law and Ethics in Health Services Management

This course will introduce the learner to basic concepts of healthcare law, ethics and human rights from a health services management perspective. Case studies, source documents, laws, rules and regulations, and current events will be used to examine how healthcare administrators can effectively act within legal and ethical constraints to improve quality of care, social justice and equity in healthcare institutions.

3 Credit Hours

HSM2110 Transcultural and Health Education Skills for the Community Health Worker

Provides the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for Community Health Workers to use their knowledge, skills, and experience to educate members of the community, community organizers, and leaders about current evidence-based healthcare protocols in a culturally sensitive manner. Cultural and ethical standards of care, cultural humility, and implicit bias will be explored within the context of increasing skills in delivering patient education while maintaining patient confidentiality. Students' knowledge of and comfort level in planning and presenting healthcare information, familiarity with grassroots community activism, and assessment of learning outcomes for community members will be increased.

Prerequisite: HSM1110

3 Credit Hours

HSM2205 Managed Care and Health Insurance

Provides an overview of the principles and practices of managed care and health insurance. Students analyze and evaluate private and government-sponsored programs with relation to systems in other countries.

3 Credit Hours

HSM2215 Health Communications

Provides the effective health communication skills necessary for employment and career success in the health services industry. Students learn to write accurate and concise health reports, develop familiarity with terms commonly used in healthcare, and practice verbal communication skills.

3 Credit Hours

HSM2220 Management of Healthcare Delivery Services

Introduces the theory and practice of management within healthcare organizations. Students will explore best practices for creating and maintaining an effective and efficient workplace environment, while considering the needs and perspectives of both the internal and external stakeholders common to healthcare organizations.

Prerequisites: HSM1000, MGT2220

3 Credit Hours

HSM3309 Health Services Finance

Introduces the foundations of financing health services in a dynamically changing environment. Topics include healthcare costs, reimbursement systems, insurance issues, the roles of budgeting and accounts, the multifunctionality of financial services within the health services industry, and trends in health services financing.

Prerequisites: FIN3302, HSM1000, CIS2201

3 Credit Hours

HSM3320 Community Health and Medical Care

Explores issues related to the design and delivery of healthcare programs to all segments of the community. This course focuses on public health and government-funded programs, as well as private healthcare.

Prerequisite: HSM1000

3 Credit Hours

HSM3350 Long-Term and Residential Care

Explores current long-term and residential care services and financing options. Students learn about alternate delivery systems and organizational structures proposed to accommodate an aging population.

Prerequisite: HSM1000

3 Credit Hours

HSM4410 Research Methods for Health Services

Develops an awareness of the various frameworks for technical writing and research in the health services field. This course emphasizes effective written communication and analytical skills in health services.

Prerequisites: ENG1105, HSM1000

3 Credit Hours

HSM4420 Introduction to Epidemiology

The modern health services management student needs to have a good working knowledge of how health and illness are distributed among populations. This course will familiarize the student with epidemiology concepts and principles and also build a set of experiences, including analyses and projects, for students to draw upon when they enter the professional workforce. 

3 Credit Hours

HSM4430 Behavioral Health

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive overview of behavioral health. The awareness and acceptance of, as well as advances in, treatment for behavioral problems throughout history to present day will be explored. Case studies will examine behavioral health services in a variety of settings, including hospitals, prisons, colleges and universities, rural and urban communities, and western and developing countries.

3 Credit Hours

HSM4440 Health Policy and Politics

Develops an awareness of the political processes available for the creation of rules, regulations, and laws affecting healthcare policies. Local, national, and global impacts of healthcare financing, health insurance, and healthcare reform upon individuals, communities, and nations are explored.

Prerequisite: HSM2220

3 Credit Hours

HSM4470 Health Services Management Capstone

Requires students to examine and apply the most recent theories and current practices in the healthcare industry. Students are encouraged to develop the vision, problem-solving, and analytical skills essential for leadership in the healthcare environment.

Prerequisites: HSM2000, HSM2220, HSM3309

3 Credit Hours