Graphic Design

Learn the skills needed for exciting careers in the fields of visual communications.

Virtually all organizations depend on compelling visual communication to successfully convey ideas and engage customers. The Graphic Design program at Berkeley College is both innovative to give you more career options and thorough to help you stand out in the job market.

Along with the history of graphic design and a strong foundation in art and design principles, the curriculum exposes students to the problem-solving process using a broad range of traditional, digital, and emerging media. Courses are taught in modern studio/lab environments at our Woodland Park campus, encouraging entrepreneurial teamwork and collaboration. Critical thinking, conceptual problem solving, and creativity are emphasized as students learn about: 

  • User Interface and User Experience Design (UI/UX)
  • Motion Graphics and Animation
  • 3D Modeling
  • Branding
  • Illustration
  • Packaging Design
  • Publication Design
  • Typographic Design
  • Digital Photography
  • Game Design
  • Web Design 

Instructors are chosen for both academic excellence and relevant professional experience. They share firsthand occupational knowledge that can help prepare students to enter the job market. Portfolios and capstone projects are completed prior to graduation. You may also have an opportunity to participate in an internship where you can apply what you’ve learned. Students will work closely with the Career Services Department to secure future employment. 

Students engage in interdisciplinary collaboration with Interior Design students, exhibit their work in the Gallery at Woodland Park, and collaborate with the Marketing department on various real-world projects during the final year of their program. Students may also participate in field trips, attend guest lectures and opening receptions, and network with members of the professional design, art, and film community.

Benefit from:

  • Innovative Design Thinking: Develop critical and creative problem-solving skills to address complex design challenges with innovative solutions.
  • Hands-On Project Experience: Build a professional portfolio through real-world projects from the start of your studies, showcasing your skills to potential employers.
  • Professional Portfolio Development: Create a compelling professional portfolio with expert guidance, essential for launching a successful career in graphic design.
  • Exposure to Industry Professionals: Receive valuable insights and current trends directly from experienced designers and guest lecturers actively working in the field.
  • Internship and Job Placement Support: Leverage our strong industry connections for internships and job placements that can transition into employment opportunities.
  • Entrepreneurial Skills: Learn essential entrepreneurial skills to freelance effectively or launch your own design business in the future.

Degree Program