New York State Education Department (NYSED) - HEGIS Codes

The following programs are registered by the New York State Education Department (New York State Education Department, Office of College and University Evaluation, 5 North, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12234, 518-474-1551). Enrollment in other than registered programs may jeopardize a student's eligibility for certain student aid awards.


5002  Business Administration - Accounting  AAS
5004 Business Administration - Management  AAS
5004 Marketing AAS
5004  Fashion Merchandising and Management AAS
5003 Financial Services AAS 
5299 Health Services Administration AAS
5299 Health Services Management AAS
5213 Health Services Administration - Medical Insurance, Billing, and Coding AAS
5004  Information Technology Management AAS
1009 Interior Design AAS
5004 International Business AAS
5505  Justice Studies - Criminal Justice  AAS
5099 Legal Studies AAS
5004 International Business  AS
0502 Accounting BBA
0506 Business Administration - Management BBA
0509 Marketing BBA
0509 Fashion Merchandising and Management  BBA
0504  Financial Services  BBA 
0501 General Business  BBA
1202 Health Services Management BBA
0513 International Business  BBA
1009 Graphic Design BFA
1009 Interior Design BFA
0601 Applied Media BS
0506 Information Technology Management BS
2105 Justice Studies - Criminal Justice BS
0599 Legal Studies  BS
2105 National Security BS