Supplemental Instruction (SI)

The Supplemental Instruction (SI) program at Berkeley College provides additional support to underprepared students in introductory college-level English and Math courses. Launched in Fall 2024 after a successful pilot in the 2023-2024 academic year, the SI program uses a non-remedial, corequisite model. It offers an extra hour of instruction per week for the following 15-week, 3-credit first-semester or second-semester courses:

  • ENG1105 Writing and Research
  • MAT2211 College Algebra
  • MAT2212 Quantitative Methods
  • MAT2215 Statistics I
The faculty member of each course (ENG1105, MAT2211, MAT2212, and MAT2215) provides the additional hour of supplementary instruction. Faculty facilitate these sessions using collaborative activities to promote peer-to-peer interaction in small groups and one-on-one interactions based on students' needs. The Berkeley College SI program is designed to support college success for underprepared students by supporting the successful completion of their required college-level Math and English courses.