Career Services

Berkeley College provides a variety of career development and employment assistance services through the Career Services Department. The Career Services Department includes a dedicated staff of career professionals who assist students in identifying and pursuing employment opportunities.

During their first term, a career counselor introduces students to the services offered by the department. This begins the partnership between students and career specialists and provides students with a forum to explore career opportunities.

Individual assistance with resume preparation and job interviewing strategies is another integral part of the educational program. Career Fairs, on-campus employer presentations and interviews, seminars, and workshops are organized regularly to help students identify employment opportunities as well as assist them with their professional development.

Internship Opportunities

Career specialists work with individual students to identify internships that are best suited to students' majors, interests, and abilities. Interviews are scheduled in a variety of fields.

Employment Opportunities

Berkeley graduates receive free career assistance*. Berkeley College communicates regularly with a wide range of prospective employers to help identify potential opportunities for well-prepared candidates. Continuing Education certificate programs are not eligible.