Certificate Program Tuition and Fees 2024/2025

2024/2025 TUITION*

Tuition and fees are applicable for 2024/2025. Effective date 9/1/2024.
Medical Assistant $23,200
Patient Care Technician $17,900
Practical Nurse  $37,000
Surgical Processing Technician $17,900

The semester tuition charged to a student’s account is based on the full program cost shown above divided by the number of semesters in the program for which they are registered. Students registered for five credits or less in a semester are charged at a per-credit rate, which is the program cost divided by the total number of credits in the program. Semester fees are charged each term and are in addition to the cost of the program.

Failed courses will lead to a repeat charge assessed on a per-credit basis.

*Includes tuition, books, background check where appropriate, and the cost of the first certification/licensure examination. Program tuition will be reduced for students who transfer courses into a certificate program.

12 or more credits
11 or fewer credits

$500 per semester
$250 per semester
12 or more credits
11 or fewer credits

$450 per semester
$225 per semester
Late registration $50 per instance
Application Fee $50 (non-refundable)
Tuition Deposit Up to $300
International Application Processing Fee** $100
**Effective as of September 2017 applications.


If a student officially withdraws or is dismissed from the College during a semester, credit for that semester’s tuition (excluding fees which are non-refundable) will be issued as follows:


Notification date during

First and second weeks


Third and fourth weeks


Fifth through seventh weeks


Weeks eight to fifteen



Notification date during

First week


Second week


Third week


Fourth through seventh weeks


The College will apply the 15-week tuition refund schedule when:

  • A student is enrolled in semester-length (15-week) courses only and withdraws from all courses;
  • A student is enrolled in seven-week courses in both session I and session II and withdraws from all courses in session II after starting session II;
  • A student is enrolled in seven-week courses in session I and/or II of a semester while taking at least one 15-week semester-length course and withdraws from all courses.

The College will apply the seven-week tuition refund schedule when:

  • A student is enrolled in seven-week courses in session I only or session II only and withdraws from all courses;
  • A student is enrolled in seven-week courses in both sessions I and II and withdraws from all courses in session II before starting session II;
  • A student is enrolled in seven-week courses in both session I and II and withdraws from all courses in session I; however, if the student returns and attends session II, tuition and financial aid will be recalculated based on the 15-week refund schedule.

A student’s enrollment status is determined at the end of the add/drop period (week two). At that time the student is charged, and any financial aid is paid, based on the student’s enrollment status. (Individual course drops after week two do not entitle the student to a refund for that course.) Students wishing to withdraw after the start of a semester should contact the Academic Advisement Department. In accordance with the refund schedule above, withdrawn students will be responsible for charges incurred as of their last recorded date of participation. Balances in excess of charges, including deposits, held at the time of withdrawal or dismissal will be applied to outstanding charges. Any overpayment of tuition and fees will be refunded. 

Financial aid will be adjusted based on U.S. Department of Education Return of Title IV Funds Regulations and the College’s Check Point Policy. When a student notifies Academic Advisement of the student’s withdrawal, that date will be used to calculate the amount of financial aid funds that the College must return. If the withdrawal occurs subsequent to the 60 percent point in the term, then all of those funds are deemed “earned” and do not need to be returned. State aid will be returned based on state regulations and Berkeley College Institutional aid will be prorated in accordance with the College tuition liability table.

When a student withdraws without notifying Academic Advisement (“unofficial withdrawals”), the calculation is different. When the College becomes aware of a student’s unofficial withdrawal through the “check point” process, financial aid will be considered earned as if the withdrawn student had attended for 50 percent of the semester. The remaining portion of the original financial aid award will be returned to the originator.

Important note: Since a withdrawn student’s tuition liability to the College is governed by the schedule set forth in the Tuition Refund Policy, the amount that a student who is withdrawn (officially or unofficially) during the semester owes the College for tuition may exceed the amount of financial aid that the student is permitted to retain under governing regulations. If so, the student will be liable to the College for any balance.

Institutional aid will not be refunded. Berkeley institutional aid awards are earned ratably during the semester.

For students that are service members and/or active duty whom are utilizing Tuition Assistance, the Department of Defense’s Refund Policy supersedes the published Berkeley College Refund Policy (Tuition and BERKELEY Financial Aid).  There are no changes to the Return to Title IV Calculation.

This policy if for dropping of classes and total withdrawals from the college.

Week of term when

Refund schedule for

Refund schedule for

Notification is made

15-week courses

TA-Active Duty

Seven-week courses

TA-Active Duty




























































The Student Accounts Office completes billing for the students utilizing Tuition Assistance at the conclusion of the semester and after official grades have been posted.  If a student withdraws from an individual course or the semester as a whole, the billing will be submitted based on the above policy.   


Tuition is payable four weeks prior to the first day of classes according to the published schedule. For students admitted or readmitted after this due date, tuition is payable at registration.

Tuition may be paid in person, by mail, or online through Student Self-Service. The Student Accounts Department accepts payment by cash, check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, wire transfer, PayPal, Google Pay, Venmo, and Klarna. Billing for tuition and fees is done on a semester basis, although the student may make one payment in full for the entire academic year. Subsequent term bill information is available to students online through Student Self-Service 10 weeks prior to the start of each term. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and pay the term bill on time. Students who fail to make arrangements for payment of the term bill on time will lose their ability to maintain their course schedule for the term. In addition, a late registration fee may be charged for reinstatement of a student’s course schedule.

The College reserves the right to make any changes in the schedule of hours or in the courses of study that may be desirable.

Balances in excess of charges, including deposits, held at the time of withdrawal or dismissal will be applied to outstanding charges. Any overpayment of tuition and fees will be refunded. 



Charges for eTexts and print textbooks (and to a lesser extent supplies) are included in the tuition charge for most courses at Berkeley College.  In compliance with federal regulations, students may choose, under certain circumstances, to opt out of the otherwise mandatory eText/book fees (and supply fees, if applicable) included in the price of tuition.

Most programs of study at Berkeley College utilize eTexts.  Students may opt out of the otherwise mandatory eText fees (and supply fees, if applicable), if all of the following conditions are met:

  • Identical materials are legally available outside of the Berkeley College eText Program; be aware that some materials are created or customized for Berkeley College eText titles only, and are not available in any other format. See https://berkeleystore.berkeleycollege.edu/site_student_resources_page2.asp for a current list of such materials.
  • The student has not already accessed the Berkeley College eTexts title(s) or used the subject supplies.
  • The student submits his/her request to opt out via the Berkeley College eText Opt-Out eForm by the end of week 1 of the start of the term and agrees (within the eForm) to his/her understanding of the potential consequences as spelled out in the eForm and in eText Opt Out Policy. The student shall also agree (within the eForm) to release Berkeley College from any claim or consequence arising in connection with his/her choice to opt out.
  • The student’s Instructor and Academic Advisor will be made aware of the student’s choice to opt out of the Berkeley College eText program (and supplies, if applicable) and that the student has agreed to accept responsibility for the potential consequences.

Should a student choose to opt-out of the otherwise mandatory College eText (and/or supply) fees for any given class, the eText (and/or supply) fees for that class (es) shall be credited to the student’s account within approximately three (3) business days after submission of the Opt-Out eForm.

Click for more detailed information and the complete eText and Supplies Opt Out Policy.

A few programs at Berkeley College still use print textbooks.  Students in programs where print textbooks are used have the right to obtain them (as well as supplies) from other sources, so long as they meet the requirements for the course. In order to receive a credit for textbooks and/or supplies that are purchased from another source, a student must request a waiver from the Department Chair by the end of week 1 of the start of the term. The Department Chair will determine the appropriateness of the items. If approved, the Department Chair will forward that information to the Berkeley Store to verify that the items distributed by the College have been returned, and the waiver will be forwarded to the Student Accounts Department so that a credit can be applied to the student’s account within approximately three (3) business days.

Purchase and pricing information for print textbooks and supplies is available from the Berkeley College Store at BerkeleyStore.BerkeleyCollege.edu.

Medical Assistant Certificate Additional Costs

Students in the Medical Assistant Certificate program may incur additional charges for shoes, a drug screen, physical, flu vaccine, and immunizations totaling approximately $689.00. Students with health insurance will pay less for the physical and immunizations which will lower these additional charges based on their insurance policy. 

Patient Care Technician Certificate Additional Costs 

Students in the Patient Care Technician Certificate program are required to purchase their own malpractice insurance. An estimated fee of $40.00 provides $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 in the aggregate. Additional charges may be incurred for a drug screen, physical, flu vaccine, immunizations, shoes, and a watch totaling approximately $709.00. Students with health insurance will pay less for the physical, flu vaccine and immunizations which will lower these additional charges based on their insurance policy. The total additional cost for the program is approximately $749.00.

Practical Nurse Certificate Additional Costs

Students in the Practical Nurse Certificate program are required to purchase their own malpractice insurance. An estimated fee of $40.00 provides $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 in the aggregate. Additional charges may be incurred for a drug screen, physical, immunizations, flu vaccine, a watch, pen light, and shoes totaling approximately $709.00. Students with health insurance will pay less for the physical, flu vaccine and immunizations which will lower these additional charges based on their insurance policy. The total additional cost for the program is approximately $749.00.

Surgical Processing Technician Certificate Additional Costs

Students in the Surgical Processing Technician Certificate program may incur additional charges for a drug screen, physical, flu vaccine, immunizations, and shoes totaling approximately $689.00. Students with health insurance will pay less for the physical, flu vaccine, and immunizations which will lower these additional charges based on their insurance policy.


Costs for supplies, field trips, and other classroom-related expenses vary by program and can range from $0 to $1,500 an award year (two semesters). Living expenses may vary considerably. Estimated room and board costs for students not living in Berkeley College facilities range between $3,164 and $13,204 per academic year. The lower range is for dependent students living at home while the higher range is generally for students living away from home. Personal expenses are estimated to be $2,288 and transportation averages $3,128 per academic year. Actual expenses vary based on personal situations and choices.

Although Berkeley College does not offer a student health insurance plan, the College strongly recommends all students obtain coverage. Many clinical facilities utilized by the School of Health Studies require students to provide proof of health insurance coverage prior to participating in clinical rotations. Students enrolled in the LPN to BSN, Practical Nurse, Patient Care Technician, Surgical Technology, and Surgical Processing Technician programs who are unable to meet this requirement may find it difficult to complete the required clinical rotation(s) and/or progress in the program.

Professional Judgement (PJ) is the authority that the US Department of Education gives to Financial Aid Administrators. All students, who believe they have special or unusual circumstances are encouraged to contact Financial Aid for potential "Professional Judgement" determinations. Some Conditions that can be considered for PJ:

  • Adjustments to the Cost of Attendance based on Dependent Care, Disability or any other unusual expenses.
  • Adjustments to Dependency Status (Dependent to Independent).
  • Adjustments to student/parent income when reported income no longer represents their current circumstances.

What Is Cost of Attendance?

Federal law mandates that all institutions of higher education create and document the cost of attendance (COA).

COA is the estimated amount it will cost a student to attend college and is comprised of an estimate of the following costs: tuition and fees, housing and food (or living expenses), books, supplies, transportation, loan fees, and miscellaneous expenses (including a reasonable amount for the documented cost of a personal computer). Allowance for childcare or other dependent care, costs related to a disability, and reasonable costs for eligible study-abroad programs is not included in the COA, but can be added based on “Professional Judgement.”* It is important to know that the direct costs (tuition and fees) are the only items a student will be charged while the COA is what we use to determine need and award packages.

Berkeley calculates the COA to show the total cost for two semesters. The below COA charts can be difficult to understand, we recommend you read the following before reviewing them:

  1. COA is customized based on your chosen program, your dependency status and whether or not you are living with your parent(s). 
    • Due to the removal of the housing option from the 24-25 FAFSA, we are defaulting Dependent students to "living with their parent(s)" and Independent students to "not living with their parent(s)". This information will be on the award notice giving the student the ability to tell Financial Aid Office that they are living with their parent(s) or not.
  2. Housing and food are required elements to be added to the COA. They are part of the COA, however, does not mean that you will pay more for these items, just because you attend Berkeley. These are expenses you and/or your parents likely already have.
  3. The College is also required to include the cost of a laptop in the COA. That does not mean, however, that we are providing you with a laptop, nor does it mean you have to purchase one, if you already have a suitable computer. If you do not have a laptop and need access to a computer, the College will assist when possible.
  4. The College supplies are mostly eBooks that you pay for as part of your tuition. We include additional expenses for books and supplies for all applicable programs.
  5. The federal student loan origination fees are also a required COA element. The College does not assume, however, that you will borrow, nor how much, should you choose to borrow loans. If you do not borrow loans, you will not incur this cost.
  6. COA is used to determine need as part of the multiple levels of federal packaging methodology. It does not represent, however, the amount of aid that you can receive.
  7. *If you believe your expenses are unusual and/or much higher than the COA estimates, you can appeal the COA by contacting the Financial Aid office. Financial Aid can make documented “Professional Judgement” adjustments. It is important to know, however, that increasing the COA does not always increase financial aid eligibility.

Financial Aid: Student Budgets for Award Year 2024-2025 for Medical Assistant Certificate

Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent Full-time - Living with parent Dependent Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent - Online Full-time - Living with parent Dependent - Online
eBooks $200 $200 $200 $200
Personal $1,778 $1,778 $1,778 $1,778
Housing & Food* $8,235 $2,883 $8,235 $2,883
Transportation $2,100 $2,100 $0 $0
Average Loan Fees $31 $31 $31 $31
Tuition $8,242 $8,242 $8,242 $8,242
Total, Term $20,586 $15,234 $18,486 $13,134
Total, Annual $41,172 $30,468 $36,972 $26,268

LOAN FEES - are the average for all certificate students.
The Full Time budget (above) will be adjusted for Part Time.
Students with Parent PLUS loan(s) may have their budget increased by $380 upon appeal

ESTIMATED COST OF FOOD - Includes 3 meals*

Living with Parent Not living with Parent
$1,571 $2,619


Medical Assistant Certificate FIRST SEMESTER $881

Financial Aid: Student Budgets for Award Year 2024-2025 for Patient Care Technician - 2-Semester Program

Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent Full-time - Living with parent Dependent Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent - Online Full-time - Living with parent Dependent - Online
eBooks $200 $200 $200 $200
Personal $1,778 $1,778 $1,778 $1,778
Housing & Food* $8,235 $2,883 $8,235 $2,883
Transportation $2,100 $2,100
Average Loan Fees $31 $31 $31 $31
Tuition $9.600 $9,600 $9,600 $9,600
Total, Term $21,944 $16,592 $19,844 $14,492
Total, Annual $43,888 $33,184 $39,688 $28,984

The Full Time budget (above) will be adjusted for Part Time.
LOAN FEES - are the average for all certificate students.
Students with Parent PLUS loan(s) may have their budget increased by $380 upon appeal

ESTIMATED COST OF FOOD - Includes 3 meals*

Living with Parent Not living with Parent
$1,571 $2,619


Patient Care Technician – 2-Semester FIRST SEMESTER $938

Financial Aid: Student Budgets for Award Year 2024-2025 for Patient Care Technician - 3-Semester Program

Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent Full-time - Living with parent Dependent Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent - Online Full-time - Living with parent Dependent - Online
eBooks $200 $200 $200 $200
Personal $1,778 $1,778 $1,778 $1,778
Housing & Food* $8,235 $2,883 $8,235 $2,883
Transportation $2,100 $2,100
Average Loan Fees $31 $31 $31 $31
Tuition $6,617 $6,617 $6,617 $6,617
Total, Term $18,961 $13,609 $16,861 $11,509
Total, Annual $37,922 $27,218 $33,722 $23,018

The Full Time budget (above) will be adjusted for Part Time.
LOAN FEES - are the average for all certificate students.
Students with Parent PLUS loan(s) may have their budget increased by $380 upon appeal

ESTIMATED COST OF FOOD - Includes 3 meals*

Living with Parent Not living with Parent
$1,571 $2,619


Patient Care Technician – 3-Semester FIRST SEMESTER $938

Financial Aid: Student Budgets for Award Year 2024-2025 for Practical Nurse (DAY) 4-Semester Program

Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent Full-time - Living with parent Dependent Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent - Online Full-time - Living with parent Dependent - Online
eBooks $200 $200 $200 $200
Personal $1,778 $1,778 $1,778 $1,778
Housing & Food* $8,235 $2,883 $8,235 $2,883
Transportation $2,100 $2,100 $0 $0
Average Loan Fees $31 $31 $31 $31
Tuition $9,794 $9,794 $9,794 $9,794
Total, Term $22,138 $16,786 $20,038 $14,686
Total, Annual $44,276 $33,572 $40,076 $29,372

LOAN FEES - are the average for all certificate students.
Students with parent PLUS loan(s) may have their budget increased by $380 upon appeal.
The Full Time budget (above) will be adjusted for Part Time.

ESTIMATED COST OF FOOD - Includes 3 meals*

Living with Parent Not living with Parent
$1,571 $2,619


Practical Nurse (DAY) 4-Semester FIRST SEMESTER $945

Financial Aid: Student Budgets for Award Year 2024-2025 for Practical Nurse (EVE) 5-Semester Program

Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent Full-time - Living with parent Dependent Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent - Online Full-time - Living with parent Dependent - Online
Books $200 $200 $200 $200
Personal $1,778 $1,778 $1,778 $1,778
Housing & Food* $8,235 $2,883 $8,235 $2,883
Transportation $2,100 $2,100 $0 $0
Average Loan Fees $31 $31 $31 $31
Tuition $7,710 $7,710 $7,710 $7,710
Total, Term $20,054 $14,702 $17,954 $12,602
Total, Annual $40,108 $29,404 $35,908 $25,204

LOAN FEES - are the average for all certificate students.
Students with parent PLUS loan(s) may have their budget increased by $380 upon appeal.
The Full Time budget (above) will be adjusted for Part Time.

ESTIMATED COST OF FOOD - Includes 3 meals*

Living with Parent Not living with Parent
$1,571 $2,619


Practical Nurse (EVE) 5-Semester FIRST SEMESTER $945

Financial Aid: Student Budgets for Award Year 2024-2025 for Surgical Processing Technician - 2-Semester Program

Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent Full-time - Living with parent Dependent Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent - Online Full-time - Living with parent Dependent - Online
eBooks $200 $200 $200 $200
Personal $1,778 $1,778 $1,778 $1,778
Housing & Food* $8,235 $2,883 $8,235 $2,883
Transportation $2,100 $2,100 $0 $0
Average Loan Fees $31 $31 $31 $31
Tuition $9,600 $9,600 $9,600 $9,600
Total, Term $21,944 $16,592 $19,844 $14,492
Total, Annual $43,888 $33,184 $39,688 $28,984

LOAN FEES - are the average for all certificate students.
Students with Parent PLUS loan(s) may have their budget increased by $380 upon appeal.
The Full Time budget (above) will be adjusted for Part Time. 

ESTIMATED COST OF FOOD - Includes 3 meals*

Living with Parent Not living with Parent
$1,571 $2,619


Surgical Processing Technician – 2-Semester FIRST SEMESTER $874

Financial Aid: Student Budgets for Award Year 2024-2025 for Surgical Processing Technician - 3-Semester Program

Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent Full-time - Living with parent Dependent Full-time - Not living with parent Independent and Dependent - Online Full-time - Living with parent Dependent - Online
eBooks $200 $200 $200 $200
Personal $1,778 $1,778 $1,778 $1,778
Housing & Food* $8,235 $2,883 $8,235 $2,883
Transportation $2,100 $2,100 $0 $0
Average Loan Fees $31 $31 $31 $31
Tuition $6,617 $6,617 $6,617 $6,617
Total, Term $18,961 $13,609 $16,861 $11,509
Total, Annual $37,922 $27,218 $33,722 $23,018

LOAN FEES - are the average for all certificate students.
Students with Parent PLUS loan(s) may have their budget increased by $380 upon appeal.
The Full Time budget (above) will be adjusted for Part Time. 

ESTIMATED COST OF FOOD - Includes 3 meals*

Living with Parent Not living with Parent
$1,571 $2,619


Surgical Processing Technician – 3-Semester FIRST SEMESTER $874


First time students at Berkeley College are budgeted $500 for the first term for a laptop.