The Office of the General Counsel reviews, negotiates, and generates contracts, memoranda of understanding, terms and conditions, releases, waivers, acknowledgments, and authorizations for the College. New contracts and requests for review should be submitted at least three weeks in advance. All contract files should be in Microsoft Word format. Please ensure that you have read the contract in its entirety and that your department can comply with all substantive terms and conditions before submitting for legal review.
Common agreements include: technology and software licensing, web hosting, consulting services, non-disclosure, building maintenance and purchasing, rentals, security services, internship and clinical affiliations, articulation agreements, study abroad, cooperative programs, corporate learning partnerships, talent releases, liability waivers, marketing and advertising services, entertainment services, leases, copyright licensing, and construction and demolition services. The Office of the General Counsel, within its discretion, may provide and authorize the use of templates in limited circumstances and with approval from the functional department head and/or senior manager.
Officers are the only individuals permitted to sign contracts on behalf of the College. Associates must obtain the necessary approvals and/or signatures from the appropriate "Approving Officer" or "Senior Approver" for contracts exceeding $1,000.00 as outlined in the Payment Approval Policy. The policy is located on Berkeley365 - Human Resources Department page.
Some contracts may require the College to provide proof of its insurance coverage or the College may require a vendor to maintain a certain amount and type of coverage. All insurance requirements must be verified with the Controller (Accounting Department) in conjunction with the Office of the General Counsel, prior to signature.
All finalized contracts must be signed and dated by both parties; include all addendums, exhibits, and Certificates of Insurance (if applicable); scanned to a single, legible PDF file; and emailed to the Legal Assistant, with a copy to the attorney who worked on the contract.
The material on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as legal advice.