Available Tutoring Services

On-site Tutoring

You can participate in on-campus group or one-on-one tutoring sessions for a variety of subjects, including accounting, math, computer literacy, writing, and more. Additionally, you can enhance your presentation skills and build your confidence through the Speakeasy program.

Online Tutoring

If you're unable to attend an in-person tutoring session, no worries! One-on-one or group virtual tutoring sessions are available through an online platform, where you can interact with a tutor from any computer equipped with a camera and microphone.

Booking Guidelines

  • Students may book one tutoring session per class per day.
  • Exceptions may be made by Accessibility Services if deemed necessary.

Attendance is Key

To ensure success in your courses, it is important to attend your scheduled tutoring sessions. If you are unable to attend, please contact a CAS center to cancel your session in advance. Failure to cancel a session will result in it being counted as a missed session.

Missed Sessions Policy

  • Three consecutive missed sessions will prevent you from booking future tutoring appointments. If this happens, please speak with a CAS Director or full-time CAS Staff member to discuss your options.
  • Repeated consecutive missed sessions (9 or more) without contacting the CAS may result in losing the ability to book tutoring sessions for the remainder of the semester.

Don’t Want to Study Alone? Join a Study Group!

You can join one of the CAS on-site or virtual study groups for the courses you are taking. Study groups are facilitated by a trained tutor who has taken the course, has received a B+ or better, and has been recommended by the faculty member. Study groups provide an opportunity to improve your understanding of course material but also to engage with peers who are taking the same course as you.

Online Resources

The Center’s page provides you with a range of online resources for math, accounting, computer literacy, writing, and study skills. The page is home to videos, links to credible websites, interactive workshops, and LibGuides.


Looking for feedback on your essay or paper? Submit your paper electronically to the WriteAid Inbox and receive feedback (via email) on your writing assignment in a timely manner. WriteAid helps you improve your drafts and grow your skills for the future by providing you with feedback on the development and structure of your paper as well as comment on syntax and mechanics.  

Learning Strategies – Schedule Individual Study Plan Sessions

CAS professional staff can coach you through creating a personalized study plan for more effective learning, whether you are taking on-site or online courses. Not only will we assist you in creating your individualized study plan, but we will also meet with you on a consistent basis to support you in its implementation.

Individual study plan sessions often include learning strategies and techniques to help you with:

  • Managing your time
  • Organizing your academic materials
  • Taking notes during class
  • Studying for quizzes, tests, and exams

Faculty & CAS Partnerships

Faculty and the CAS staff come together to customize collaborations and interventions specifically with you in mind! Our partnership efforts span across all our learning environments. Interactive presentations and activities are held in our Centers or in your classes. Tutors are also embedded in your courses and assist you by answering your questions and guiding you through class activities. 

Want to know more? Contact us!

NY and NJ
Tiffany Alderson – Senior Director

NYC Midtown
Kelly Lanigan – Interim Director
Rajiv Wallace – Quantitative Instructional Coach
Pawel Gymrek – Quantitative Instructional Coach

Tiffany Alderson – Senior Director
Raquel McLawrence – Quantitative Instructional Coach

Tiffany Alderson – Senior Director

Woodland Park
Rebecca Ruballos – Interim Director and Learning Specialist

Rose Arszulowicz – Director

For more information, please visit the Center for Academic Success either on-site or online.