Emergency Management Plan
Emergency Management Plan
Policy Statement and Objectives of the Plan
The purpose of the Berkeley College Emergency Management Master Plan is to establish policies, procedures, and an organizational structure for response to emergencies throughout the Berkeley College system. The plan contains clear strategies and roles played by the campus-based Emergency Management Team during the initial response and throughout the emergency. The plan also outlines the responsibilities of the Crisis Management Team, consisting of the College President and senior administrators. Nothing in this plan shall be construed in a manner that limits the use of good judgment and common sense in matters not foreseen or covered by the elements of the plan.BES associates are subject to the plan for the campus at which their office is located. The plan and organization shall be subordinate to state and federal plans during a disaster declaration by those authorities.
Organizational Statement, Roles, and Responsibilities
The Emergency Management Plan is a campus-based plan that guides the Emergency Management Team during a major emergency. The team leaders or their designees at each campus would be responsible for the following actions:
- Ensuring that notification is made to emergency responders (police department, fire department, emergency medical services, etc.).
- Coordinating with responding emergency services personnel.
- Ensuring that notification is made to the Emergency Management Team (EMT) along with the Crisis Management Team (CMT).
- Ensuring that Command Centers (designated places at each location) are operational with all necessary communication and emergency equipment. (A secondary Command Center will also be designated where reasonable.)
- Determining if a lockdown or a full or partial evacuation of any building is necessary, and initiating that process if warranted.
Contact numbers for emergency service units (fire, police, emergency management service), along with Government agencies (Office of Emergency Management, Board of Health, Environmental Protection Agency, Poison Control Center, American Red Cross, Federal Office of Emergency Management and the National Response Center for Chemical, Oil and Chemical/Biological Terrorism) are also maintained at the Command Centers. Medical facilities, utility companies (electricity, water, gas, and telephone) and contractors (elevator, plumbing, electrical, sprinkler, hazardous material cleanup, and smoke/fire restoration) are maintained along with emergency contact numbers for all current staff, faculty, and students.
Emergency Equipment
Each campus is equipped with a reasonable supply of emergency needs.
Emergency Management Team
Each campus has identified an Emergency Management Team (EMT). Under the team's direction, the EMT will be responsible for assessment and implementation of emergency procedures (evacuations, lockdowns, crowd control, access controls, and coordination with responding emergency services). The EMT consists of representatives from:
- Security
- Buildings and Grounds
- Student Development and Campus Life
- Information Systems
- Other designated personnel
Crisis Management Team
In the event of a major emergency, an executive-level Crisis Management Team will gather to direct the handling of the crisis.
Communication with the Community and General Public
In the event of an emergency, Berkeley College’s 800 Information Line (1-866-232-5147) will become an Information Hotline Number that will provide information regarding individuals confirmed to be on campus.
Berkeley College has a mass notification system called BERK-ALERT. Prior to or during an emergency situation, we have the ability to notify students, faculty, staff, and others that we may deem necessary via text messaging, emails, cell phones, and home and business phones of any pending emergency.
Community Roles
Each community member has a role to play during an emergency,
Role of students:
Every student should familiarize themselves with the emergency procedures and evacuation routes in buildings they live in or use frequently. They should evacuate buildings in an orderly manner when an alarm sounds or when directed to do so by emergency personnel. They should evacuate to pre-designated Emergency Assembly Areas.
Role of Faculty and Staff:
Every member of the faculty and staff should familiarize themselves with emergency procedures and evacuation routes.
Crisis Media Policy
It is the policy and intention of Berkeley College to keep the media and public as informed as possible in the event of an emergency. In such situations, the Assistant Vice President, Public Safety and Emergency Management may be reached via email, KME@BerkeleyCollege.edu or by telephone, at 973-278-5400 ext. 5112.
Berkeley College has developed a policy for disseminating all relevant information to the media.
The Media Information Policy for Berkeley College details ways in which the college and its designated personnel will work to provide accurate information to the media in a timely manner, answer all reasonable requests for additional information, and formulate a message about how the institution is handling the crisis.
As details and events warrant, subsequent press releases will be prepared to update the public and to ensure that all necessary steps are being taken to address the crisis.
Disaster Information Policy
In the event of a disaster in which the safety and health of students and associates are compromised, Berkeley College has established a policy regarding the gathering and dissemination of information.
In the event of an emergency, our toll free number 800-446-5400, will be dedicated for individuals to call and obtain any available information that we have on students, faculty, staff, and visitors that may be on campus at the time of an emergency.
Our 800 number has multiple phone lines and staff members are trained in our emergency procedures. In an emergency, there will be both English and Spanish-speaking operators available to assist with incoming phone calls.
Calls to campuses: Although the College will publicize the 800 hotline, it is anticipated that many calls will go directly to the campuses. Therefore, during the time of the emergency, the voice mail at each College location will be revised stating:
"You have reached Berkeley College. If you are calling to check on the status of an individual, please call 1-800-446-5400. If you are calling for any other reason, please stay on the line."
If classes at the campus in question have been cancelled, that will be included on the initial voice mail message.
Following the special message, the normal incoming voice mail message for the location will be played.
Berkeley College Emergency Lockdown and Evacuation Guidelines
Lockdown Procedures
In the event of a lockdown, you will be instructed to either simply remain inside the building or to move quickly out of common areas and into the nearest classroom or office.
Evacuation Guidelines
Notification to evacuate a building will be made by means of the fire alarm, public address systems, hand held public address horns, telephones, word of mouth, or any other means that may be available at that time. In the event of a fire, Berkeley College employees, students, and visitors are required to evacuate the building. In non-fire emergencies, a decision to evacuate will be based on the scenario. Consideration will be given to the specific threat (bomb threat, explosion, hazardous material incident etc.), its context (time of day, its likelihood etc.), and the recommendation of public safety officials. When the order is given to evacuate a building for any reason, the procedure is basically the same. Occupants are instructed to follow life safety survival skills, not to use elevators and to evacuate by way of the nearest safe stairway. They are instructed to exit the building and proceed to a pre-designated Emergency Assembly Area. If a decision is made not to evacuate, the Emergency Management Team members will have the responsibility to pass the word throughout the building or the entire campus.