Strategies in Sustainability
A strategy under the Institutional Goal of Innovation and Competitiveness encourages an open and engaging environment that empowers faculty and staff to be creative and innovative. Aligned with Berkeley Cares, the following facilities improvements were made on Berkeley College campuses in late 2018 and 2019.
Hydration Stations at Berkeley College
Water bottle filling stations are available across Berkeley College campuses. These stations provide chilled filtered water to encourage the use of reusable bottles. The units are fitted with a counter to track how many single-use plastic water bottles have been saved since installation. To date, Berkeley College locations have saved more than 830,000 bottles.
Berkeley College Hydration Station Locations
New York City:
43rd Street 2nd floor
41st Street 7th floor
Woodland Park:
Bldg. 1 Second floor hallway by Advisement
Bldg. 2 MBA entrance
Bldg. 3 Financial Aid hallway
Bldg. 4 School of Health Studies 2nd floor
Bldg. 5 Atrium
Lower level by bathrooms
2nd floor outside of elevators
3rd floor outside of elevators
1st floor
Lower level
Visit these websites for more information on how you can help to protect the environment:
US EPAGreen Biz
US Green Building Council
Earth 911
Global Green USA
Earth Justice
Natural Resources Defense Council
World Wildlife Fund
Center for a New American Dream