New York City 7-Week Graduate Course Schedule
Session I Fall 2024

Fall 2024
September 3, 2024 - October 19, 2024

New Students: Call 1-800-446-5400 Ext. WWA to Register.

Current Students: Contact the New York City Academic Advisement Office or use My Scheduler to register.

Visit the Course Schedules page to find links to other course schedules. All courses, times, and locations are subject to change without notice.

Subject Course No. Description Credits Day(s) Start Time End Time Instructor
Master of Business Admin
MBA 5501 Essentials of Management 3 T 6:00 PM 8:45 PM Staff Instructor
MBA 6610 Operations Management 3 Th 6:00 PM 8:45 PM Staff Instructor
MBA 6630 Marketing Strategy in a Global 3 M 6:00 PM 8:45 PM Vinita Ittoop
MBA 6641 Emp. Rec. and Selec 3 Th 6:00 PM 8:45 PM Staff Instructor
MBA 6662 Project Management 3 W 6:00 PM 8:45 PM Staff Instructor
MBA 6667 Corporate Treasury & Risk Mana 3 T 6:00 PM 8:45 PM Staff Instructor