Credit for Prior Learning

What is Prior Learning?

Berkeley College realizes that learning can take place beyond the classroom. Many students have many years of learning through diverse experiences in life and in the workplace. Some of these experiences may be counted towards college-level work through prior learning credits. 

Prior Learning is defined as documented college-level learning acquired through previous study or through non-classroom experiences such as:

  • Travel
  • Volunteer work
  • Independent acquisition of knowledge
  • Participation in formal courses sponsored by associations, business, government, industry, the military, and unions
  • Participation in certification programs and professional development courses

Only documented, college-level learning will be awarded college credit. Credit is granted for learning from experience, not for experience alone. Students must complete the last 25 percent of the credits required for their degree in residence at Berkeley College. 

There are a number of ways to receive credit for prior learning:

Credit for Workplace Learning

Credit for Military Training

Students may be eligible to receive credit for training completed at a military school evaluated by the Office on Educational Credit and Credentials of the American Council on Education.

Click to learn more about credit for police academy training.

Credit for Police Academy Training

Students enrolling in a Justice Studies degree program may be eligible to receive credit for training completed at an accredited police academy.

Click to learn more about credit for military training.


StraighterLine provides online course equivalency assessment preparation.

Click to learn more about StraighterLine. 

Sophia Learning

Sophia Learning provides ACE certified online college credit courses.

Click to learn more about Sophia Learning.


The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers examinations in five subject areas.

Click to learn more about CLEP.

Credit by Advanced Placement Examination

Students who took Advanced Placement courses and examinations in high school may be eligible to receive credit for courses applicable to their Berkeley program. 

Click to learn more about Advanced Placement Examinations.

Detailed information is available in the Credit for Prior Learning Guide.

For further information about Prior Learning at Berkeley College, call 800-446-5400 or contact the Office of Prior Learning Assessment at