In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness, members of the Student Government Association in partnership with the Student Development and Campus Life at the Berkeley College Paramus location, organized a Pink Party on October 18 in the Student Center.

Surviving Breast Cancer

To address such an important topic, Berkeley College Alumna Gari Semon was invited to speak with students about her journey living as a breast cancer survivor.

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc., each year it is estimated that over 252,710 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,500 will lose their battle.

“If you would have asked me five years ago, if I understand cancer – how you get it, how you prevent it, if I’m aware? Yes, but there is so much more to learn,” said Gleny Soriano, President of the Student Government Association, whose family has also been personally touched by the illness.

“Until you go through it, you never really understand the full magnitude of it,” she explained.

Fighting the Cause

Pink Party in ParamusStudents were encouraged to network with their community, and engage in a cupcake war challenge. All proceeds from the cupcake, hot dog, and beverage sales will be donated to breast cancer research. Close to $200 was raised.

Chelsea Zamuria, a Criminal Justice major who graduates in 2019, participated in the event and had this to say, “I think the Pink Party was an amazing and outstanding experience to be a part of, and enjoy with my fellow classmates. It felt good to raise money for such a heart-felt cause. I would definitely do it all over again if I could.”

To learn more about the Student Government Association at your local campus, contact a representative at Student Development and Campus Life.

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