Today, versatile, team-oriented employees who can quickly bring creativity, innovation, and other skills to the table are in high demand at many companies. A Bachelor in Business Administration (B.B.A.) degree in General Business is an excellent starting point for acquiring these abilities.

Career Paths You Can Take with a B.B.A. Degree in General Business

With the Berkeley College General Business degree program, you can maximize your opportunities in the real world, leading to many different career paths. Here are just a few:

Budget Analyst

Budget analysts monitor organizational spending and generate budget reports that track an organization's finances. You’ll gather information and recommend solutions to company spending problems to your employer.

Management Analyst

As a management analyst or consultant, you’ll be responsible for advising managers on how they can boost efficiency and profitability.

Personal Financial Advisor

Personal financial advisors guide clients on making sound financial decisions such as budgeting, investments, and insurance.


In a sales position, your tasks may include forecasting sales goals, developing training programs, overseeing a sales team, and analyzing sales statistics.

Project Manager

Project managers are responsible for building processes to help ensure a project's success. You’ll help achieve and meet deadlines by collaborating with project owners and other stakeholders. Project managers are also tasked with determining needs, monitoring progress, assigning tasks and roles to the team, and facilitating communication of changes and other project-related issues.


General Business Degree Program at Berkeley College

The General Business Degree program at Berkeley College was developed with input from industry experts to teach you the skills employers demand. You’ll prepare you through classes in Finance, Marketing, Business Analytics, Production, Human Resources, Operations, and Management to enter these and other career fields. The program focuses on critical thinking and problem-solving skills that simulate the global business world, as well as the technology you’ll need to master. Professors with extensive professional experience offer close, personal instruction, and comprehensive support services and resources are available throughout every step of your journey, including career assistance for graduates.

For more information, call Berkeley College today at 800-446-5400 to get started.