Message from the President: On the Passing of George Floyd

Sunday, May 31, 2020
Vice President,
Communications and External Relations

Dear Berkeley College Community,
Once again a tragic loss of life has brought to the public eye the pain and anguish of our nation. Too much lies beneath the surface that needs more than emotion, but rather difficult discussions and most importantly, meaningful action. We have often seen these events elicit strong reactions that are not sustained long enough for meaningful changes to occur.
At Berkeley College, we have zero tolerance for treating anyone differently based on race. As importantly, we act every day to provide our students with the power of an education to guide their destinies with credentials that will empower them for lifelong success.
In these days of discouragement, disappointment, and anger, we recognize aggression as a very human emotion. We have the opportunity to respond with love, peace, and reconciliation when we genuinely feel it in our hearts. Those days are best upon us soon. We must help each other to make the world a better place to passionately and honestly address the inequities that continue to harm communities of color and our nation.
As we approach these days and weeks ahead, I know that we will need to care for each other in much different and better ways. As a nation, we can — and must — do better; for George Floyd and all those before him.
The Berkeley College community believes in the goodness and promise of everyone. We must be the agents of change. Let us do the hard work of moving toward the better days that we know are in the future.
Open your minds and hearts. Speak your truth and listen to others. Take action to make our communities better than yesterday. Understand where you are right now and be clear on where you are headed with your goals. We are here to go the distance with you.
Michael J. Smith
President of Berkeley College