Morris County High School Students Recognized as Caring Students of the Year

Monday, June 8, 2020
Berkeley College High School and Community Relations Associate
Orchestrates Recognition with Social Distancing in Mind during COVID-19
Photo Caption: Mary Ann Chimento, Vice President, Morris County Professional Counselors Association (MCPCA) and Berkeley College High School and Community Relations Associate (wearing Berkeley College shirt), orchestrated the delivery of the 2020 Caring Students of the Year Awards to 15 Morris County students. High school counselors nominate students for these awards based on service and kindness. The students have worked tirelessly for their underserved fellow students or for organizations inside and outside the United States. MCPCA is comprised of school counselors serving in public, private and parochial schools along with members from higher education. “As a board member, I represent the higher education aspects of MCPCA,” Chimento said. “We discuss trends, formulate new ways to better service students, introduce new programs and partner with counselors from other counties as well as Morris County.” She added that the Berkeley College connection helps to foster good relationships with many high schools in the northern part of New Jersey.
Three of the 2020 award-winning students, pictured above with family members and representatives from the community, are Anna Paskalides of Chatham (top left, holding award), Samuel Annuik of Morris Plains (right, holding sign), with Chief Michael Koroski, Morris Plains Police Department, and Elizabeth Nafz of Butler (below, center, in white shirt).