Berkeley College Students Start the Fall Semester with Welcome Packages -- "We're Glad You're Back. Stay Safe!"

Tuesday, September 29, 2020
- Jeunelle Sanabria, Director, Berkeley College Student Development and Campus Life
Photo Caption: As Berkeley College students returned to their fall semester this year, the Office of Student Development and Campus Life planned for a special boxed treat – a Welcome Back Care Pack that includes a Berkeley College mask, two disposable masks, hand sanitizer, a small notebook and a customized stress ball (see inset, above). Students were notified by email about where and when to get their Welcome Back Care Packs at each campus. The Care Packs will be distributed to students during the next few weeks.
“The Welcome Back Care Pack was designed with students in mind and to let them know we care,” said Jeunelle Sanabria, Director, Berkeley College Student Development and Campus Life. “We hope that students will utilize these items both on and off campus, and show their Berkeley College pride,” added Sanabria.
Social media comments voiced appreciation and more interest. “Great work,” “Nice,” and “That’s awesome!” they said.
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