Berkeley College Co-sponsors Sustainable Health and Wellness Village Festival

Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Senior Associate, Media Relations
Family Friendly Event Held in Newark
Photo Caption: Luis Collazo, Berkeley College Campus Operating Officer, Newark, lent his support to the Sustainable Health and Wellness Village Festival held at Branch Brook Park in Newark, NJ, on September 25-27, 2021, and co-sponsored by Berkeley College. Members of the Newark community came by for free and fun activities. “That included giveaways, prizes, health education, screenings, COVID-19 vaccinations and testing, live multicultural music and food,” said Collazo, who added he was pleased that dozens of people from Berkeley College and the community-at-large turned out for the event. Pictured above, left, Collazo receives a blood pressure screening from Asem Alshamah, MD, Berkeley College Professor. At right (L to R), assisting with the event, are Alyssa Collazo, daughter of Collazo, and Denise Rodriguez of Lodi, NJ, and Christina Laing of Bronx, NY, both Berkeley College students.
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