When to Make a Referral

Referral Identifiers

Student distress may manifest in behavior or in the reaction the behavior elicits in others. If you notice any of the following behaviors, the Distressed Student - Response Options on the main Berkeley College BIT webpage will assist you in responding to the student and providing appropriate referrals.

You are encouraged to report any incident that is of concern to you.

Make a Referral When:

  • Overly aggressive behaviors toward others; inability to set limits or re-direct focus
  • Inability to make decisions or cope
  • Highly inappropriate or strange behavior that may pose a threat to safety
  • Extreme overreaction to circumstances
  • Writings and comments endorsing violence; unusual interest in violence
  • Indirect or direct threats in writings or verbalizations
  • Lack of empathy and concern for others; inability to care
  • Severe anger management problems
  • Appearance of being overly nervous, tense or tearful on more than a single occasion
  • Written or verbal expression of suicidal thoughts; suicidal actions or self-injury; or feelings of hopelessness
  • Statements regarding having a weapon on campus
  • Threats about harming self or others
  • Erratic behavior (including online activities) that disrupts the mission and/or normal proceedings of other Berkeley college students, faculty, or staff
  • There has been an involuntary transport to the hospital for substance use/abuse
  • There has been an involuntary transport to the hospital for mental health issues
  • Significant behavioral or emotional changes
  • Significant withdrawal
  • A drastic change in hygiene or appearance
  • Significant decline in academic performance
  • Alcohol or drug abuse or addiction
  • Bizarre thoughts or behavior that does not fit the context of an event or situation
  • The student admits there is a serious problem, but does not want to talk to you about it

What Happens Next?

The primary purpose of the BIT is to offer strategies for mitigating emergent or crisis situations involving students. The student you refer to the BIT will be given the support and assistance they need by College and community resources. Depending upon the actions of the student, and following a review of the information presented, appropriate College or community-based referrals may be required.

If there is an immediate threat to a student or to the community, or if there is a medical or mental health emergency, please dial 911.

If you would like to contact any of the members of the BIT, please email Confidential@BerkeleyCollege.edu or call (973) 278-5400 ext. 1029.

BIT Committee Members

The Behavioral Intervention Team is composed of representatives from critical areas of the Berkeley College community, including:

Sherrille Shabazz, Ed.D.
Vice President, Student Development and Campus Life
(Serves as BIT Co-Chair)

Sandra Coppola, Ph.D.
Senior Director, Personal Counseling

Heather Eaton-Dwyer
Dean of Students
Woodland Park

Ernesto Fong
Faculty Liaison, New Jersey

The BIT utilizes the services of consultants as needed. Additional members from the campus community may be included in meetings of the BIT as needed.