Faculty Senate
Although the Board of Trustees is ultimately responsible for final policy determinations, it encourages the fullest participation of faculty in governing the College. The Faculty Senate is the formal vehicle through which faculty may participate in institutional governance. The Senate and its committees meet approximately two times per year. Under the leadership of a faculty-elected President, the Senate provides the arena for discussion, investigation, and formulation of recommendations to the Administration. All full-time and adjunct faculty and librarians are members of the Senate. Full-time faculty, librarians, and five adjunct faculty members, elected by the Committee on Adjunct Faculty, enjoy voting privileges. The Faculty Senate maintains the following standing committees: Curriculum; Library and Technology Services; Student Development and Campus Life; Academic Affairs; and Adjunct Faculty. Other committees may be formed on an ad hoc basis as the Senate deems necessary.
Faculty Senate Executive Committee Officers
Term: 2022-2024
President: Richard Olivieri, JD, BA
First VP: Laura Harste, PhD, BA
Second VP: Lisa Karakas, MS, BA
NJ Member-at-Large: Kelly Berge, MS, BS
NY Member-at-Large: Manuel Correa, PhD, MBA, BE