Accreditation by a respected organization is one of the most important criteria on which a college is judged. It establishes that an institution of higher learning has been evaluated using the same metrics as its competitors and also instills a great deal of confidence in prospective students and their families when making the difficult choice of choosing a college.

Berkeley College has once again received reaffirmation of accreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) in New Jersey and New York, following a 24-month Self-Study process and visits by Evaluation Teams.

Michael J. Smith, President of Berkeley College, shared the good news, “Reaccreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education is evidence of our institutional mission to empower students to achieve lifelong success in dynamic careers.” He continued, “The results of the Middle States peer review process are a credit to the hard work and dedication of our faculty, staff, and administrators.”

The rigorous reaccreditation process involved more than 80 conversations with students, alumni, faculty, staff, administrators, and the Board of Trustees. Preparation began in 2016 with in-depth institutional Self-Study reports for Berkeley College in New Jersey and in New York. These reports served as the basis for on-site evaluations by teams of peer evaluators assigned to each state. The Self-Study reports took a close look at Berkeley’s educational programs, policies, and services, with particular attention to student learning and achievement, determining how well these programs and services accomplished the goals and mission of the College and met MSCHE standards.

“The outcomes of the Self-Study, along with the extensive engagement of students and the entire Berkeley College community, enhance our vitality going forward,” added President Smith, who also thanked the Evaluation Team members, as well as Berkeley’s MSCHE Accreditation Liaison Officer, Marianne Vakalis, Dean, Strategic Initiatives; MSCHE Steering Committee and Working Group members; and the Deans and Campus Operating Officers for their important contributions to the success of the Self-Study and Evaluation Team visits.

Looking to the future, President Smith also discussed the unveiling of a new strategic planning model that will optimize the College’s flexibility, responsiveness, and data-driven decision-making, which are essential to fulfilling mission and accreditation requirements on an ongoing basis.

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education serves higher education institutions in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and other geographic areas in which the Commission conducts accrediting activities. The MSCHE is one of six regional accrediting bodies that oversee accreditation of more than 4,700 of the nation’s colleges and universities. For more information on the MSCHE go to The MSCHE will conduct its next review in 2026-2027.

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