Sir Berkeley, the Berkeley College Knights mascot, has been on a health kick. He’s dropped a few pounds and will soon be revealing his leaner, meaner look at the upcoming Berkeley College Health and Wellness Fairs at Berkeley campuses this fall.

How did he do it? Sir Berkeley began with eating healthier. No more mutton chops for this knight! He now opts for a more modern balanced diet that includes more fresh fruits and vegetables and stays away from carbs and sugars. He’s also been limiting his intake of mead and grog, choosing to make more water part of his daily routine while protecting the Berkeley community.

Inspired by Berkeley’s sports teams—particularly the four-time USCAA Division II champion men's basketball team—Sir Berkeley has also been working out. Reportedly, he’s been sneaking into the gym at the Woodland Park campus after hours to pump iron and get in some serious cardio.

Berkeley’s favorite knight will also be sporting a new look. He’s updated his traditional garb to be more agile and active at upcoming Berkeley events. Rumors have even been circulating that he’s considering a triathlon in the near future.

Most importantly, Sir Berkeley wants to inspire the entire Berkeley community. He’s encouraging everyone—students, faculty, and staff—to join him in his commitment to a healthier lifestyle. According to Sir Berkeley, “It’s a new day and there’s a new Knight!”

Sir Berkeley Before and After

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