The U.S. Department of Labor defines “stackable credentials” as being “part of a sequence of credentials that can be accumulated over time to build up an individual's qualifications and help them to move along a career pathway or up a career ladder to different and potentially higher-paying jobs.”

A practical approach to advancement

Today more than ever, this approach is an excellent way of beginning with an entry-level program and then continuing your education to advance your career while working. Gaining valuable professional experience and adding credentials can make it possible to move up within a company faster or open up new opportunities for advancement. In some cases, credit for prior learning or past professional experience may be able to be applied toward degree programs and many organizations offer tuition assistance programs, which can make it even more affordable to further your education. 

Multiple degrees. Unlimited opportunity. 

Students at Berkeley College have the opportunity to achieve multiple milestones throughout their educational journeys. In fact, at Berkeley, you can begin in a Certificate or Continuing Education program, continue into an Associate’s degree program, transfer your credits toward a Bachelor’s degree program, and ultimately earn a Master’s degree—all at the very same college. 

Seamless transition between programs 

Adam Karriem is a perfect example of the benefits of this approach to higher education. One of 16 children in his family, he was 32 before he entered college. He began in the Information Technology Management program and earned his Associate's degree. "I loved Berkeley right from the start," he recalled. "My professors were great—always available to help and very concerned about our success. They inspired me to go further." 

Adam continued directly into a Bachelor’s degree program in Business Administration after graduation. Then, with encouragement from his professors and the desire to accomplish, even more, he decided to pursue his Master of Business Administration degree (M.B.A.) in Management through a combination of on-site and online classes. 

"The Berkeley faculty is impressive. They're always very willing to share their professional experiences, which puts everything into perspective. Anyone can read a book, but they put things in practical terms. It’s a very realistic curriculum—classes are always very engaging. Students often work in teams, feeding off each other. The professors want to hear our opinions. Then they challenge us to defend them in problem-solving situations." 

Credentials can expedite advancement 

Ruth Shaver also took a non-traditional journey to educational—and career—success. She was working two jobs in retail when she landed a temporary administrative job at a pharmaceutical company. She earned an Associate’s degree and continued to work her way up in the company’s Pharmacovigilance department, which monitors the effects of prescription drugs. She eventually earned her M.B.A. in Management from Berkeley College and was promoted to Intake Group Manager. She supervises a team of employees and interns and has broad responsibilities, including involvement in federal drug-safety audits.

Setting higher goals

“The M.B.A. was a whole new world for me. My thought processes changed,” Ms. Shaver said. “It helped me look at things from a global perspective and helped me get to the next level at my job.”

“Ruth is an excellent example of diligence, perseverance, and collaborative behavior,” said Dr. Maya Reddi, who watched her student blossom over the course of the program, seeking career advice and becoming more confident and engaged. The admiration is mutual. “Dr. Reddi was a huge influence,” Ms. Shaver said. “She motivated me, pushed me, and made me want to learn.”

It’s never too early—or too late—to get started

Berkeley College makes it possible to begin preparing for a career without a major commitment of time or money. Certificate and Continuing education programs offer an introduction to many different career fields and can prepare you for an entry-level position. From there, the process of applying for and transferring credits toward degree programs is simple. If you’re ready to begin your journey to success, or if you’d simply like to add credentials to advance your career, contact Berkeley College today.

*U.S. Department of Labor [DOL], 2012

The views and/or opinions in this article are those of the individuals interviewed. The academic achievements and/or employment outcomes described in this article are specific to each individual and are not a guarantee of similar results for past or current students. For up-to-date and detailed information, please visit and view our catalogs at

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