Berkeley College fosters bonds that continue beyond graduation. Jeffrey Mejia, who graduated in 2017 with a B.A. in Business Administration, credits these bonds to the Men’s Basketball team at Berkeley College. His dedication, commitment, and sportsmanship motivated the team to work harder and smarter. The former co-captain assisted in bringing the team to winning three consecutive United States Collegiate Athletic Association (USCAA) Division II Men’s Basketball National Championships. Today, the graduate continues to support his team by mentoring.

“Among the aspects I enjoy the most from my experience are the brotherhood and fellowship established within the Berkeley program. Being part of this program allowed me to see the true meaning of family and support,” said Mejia. “The coaching staff along with the players serve as the best support system anyone could ask for.”

Berkeley College Knights Rings

Mejia and The Berkeley Knights are excited to be the No. 1 seed for a possible fourth consecutive national championship in USCAA Division II National Men's Basketball Tournament. The tournament began February 28, 2018, hosted by Penn State Fayette. The tournament will be streamed live. For the latest schedule and information on the USCAA Tournament, visit and

Mejia felt it was crucial to stay involved with the team post-graduation. He understands firsthand the impact mentoring can have on a promising student. Mejia attributes his academic and professional accomplishments to the guidance he received from Career Services. He recalls Amy Soricelli, Vice President, Career Services, instructing him to stay proactive and to always do more than what is expected. Her words resonated with him and inspired him to apply them to his everyday life.

As a full-time student, he managed to work part-time while attending basketball practice every night. In 2016, he was recognized for his work ethic and dedication by receiving the New York City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Scholarship.

Mejia continues to exceed expectations both on and off the court. He currently works for ForceBrands as a Business Development Coordinator. Through Berkeley’s internship program, Mejia was able to secure a full-time position with the company after two months of interning.

“I constantly remind the team members how important education is and that a top goal should be to graduate and get their degree,” shares Mejia. He puts a great value on his own education, and looks forward to pursuing his M.B.A. within the next two years. A valued student, athlete, and professional, Mejia keeps the ball in play.

The views and/or opinions in this article are those of the individuals interviewed. The academic achievements and/or employment outcomes described in this article are specific to each individual and are not a guarantee of similar results for past or current students. For up-to-date and detailed information, please visit and view our catalogs at