Fashion Merchandising and Management student Lynn Fernandez shares her experience transferring to Berkeley College to pursue her passion in the industry.

How did you hear about Berkeley College?

I discovered Berkeley College through searching online. Berkeley College came up in my searches as a school in my area that had Fashion Merchandising and Management as a program.

What made you decide to study fashion?

I became interested in fashion in middle school. I loved to design, illustrate, and sketch. My teachers asked me if I would ever consider pursing fashion. From there, I enrolled in The High School of Fashion Industries. I loved attending, and once I graduated, I decided I wanted to continue in the field.

What made you decide Berkeley College was the right fit for you?

When I first came to Berkeley, I was really impressed with the class sizes. I also liked how the program taught the business of fashion along with the merchandising side. The professors have real-world experience and share what they see on a daily basis with us.

Why did you decide to transfer to Berkeley? How was the transition?

I transferred from LaGuardia Community College because of the one-on-one attention, smaller class sizes, and the ability to follow my dream of pursing the fashion industry. I was impressed that Berkeley had as many courses as they did. I have taken courses like Intro to Fashion, Textiles, and Purchasing.  

Please tell us about any internship experiences.

I currently have an internship with Sterl on Style. I will be learning how to train my eye for fabric quality, color, and creating collections to dress a woman impeccably. I will be working one-on-one with clients, interning with a stylist, and gaining the skills to open up my own business in the fashion industry someday.

Did you have mentors who guided you along the way?

Professor Fillereno from Intro to Fashion is a great mentor to me. He introduced the whole fashion industry. He shared his experiences which were engaging. I really learned from the different assignments and research we did as a class.

More about Fashion Merchandising and Management

The Fashion Merchandising and Management degree programs at Berkeley College integrate the creative and business aspects of the fashion industry. Incorporating current technologies, courses provide students with training in consumer behavior, product development, merchandising, retail distribution, marketing, and sales, covering the complete fashion global supply chain. Visit to learn more.

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