Employment, Retention and Graduation Rates

Employment Rates*

76.5 percent of New Jersey undergraduate degree graduates, 76.2 percent of New York undergraduate degree graduates, 98.4 percent of Master’s degree graduates and 89.3 percent of New Jersey certificate graduates who graduated during the academic year ending August 31, 2022 were employed in positions related to their programs of study by February 2, 2023.

Overall, 92.8 percent of New Jersey undergraduate degree graduates, 94.8 percent of New York undergraduate degree graduates, 100 percent of Master’s degree graduates and 89.3 percent of New Jersey certificate graduates who graduated during the academic year ending in August 31, 2022 were employed in some full-time, part-time, contract, and/or per diem position by February 2, 2023.

*Employment Rates of graduates, as reflected herein, do not include every graduate. Information on the employment of graduates is obtained through multiple sources. The majority of the employment data is self-reported by graduates, in response to Career Services outreach. Other sources of information include Indeed, ZoomInfo, and LinkedIn. The employment rates include graduates who have found employment through direct referrals provided by Career Services; students whose Berkeley College internships have led to full-time, part-time, contract, and/or per diem employment; students who have found employment on their own; and students who have remained in positions they held prior to enrolling at and/or while attending Berkeley College. Graduates who decline Career Services placement assistance and/or do not respond to outreach from the College are not reflected in the employment calculations, unless Career Services learns of their employment through another source of information, such as those listed above. Reasons for declining placement assistance may include a lack of U.S. work authorization for international students, relocation, continuing education, military service, and medical or other personal issues and preferences. These rates include all graduates who were employed within 180 days after graduation. The 2021-2022 academic year included three academic semesters (fall, winter, and spring). These rates include students who graduated at any point in the academic year (end of fall semester + 180 days; end winter semester + 180 days; etc.).

Relationships between occupations and programs of study are determined using a “crosswalk” between Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) published by the National Center for Education Statistics and the Standard Occupational Classification system (SOC) administered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. More information about the crosswalk may be found at onetonline.org.

In connection with its accreditation with the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA), Berkeley College collects and publishes Interior Design BFA student achievement information (including student retention rates, graduation rates, acceptance into graduate programs, and employment rates). Interior Design BFA employment rates are calculated using the same methodology as the overall employment rates described above. To view the student achievement information, visit the BFA, Interior Design program page.

Graduate and Professional Education

Federal law requires colleges to make available information regarding the types of graduate and professional education in which graduates of the institution’s four-year degree programs enroll.

In communications between graduates and Career Services staff, students graduating from Berkeley College with Bachelor's degrees between September 1, 2021 – August 31, 2022, have reported pursuing the following: (i) Master, Public Health, (ii) Master, Social Work, (iii) Masters, Criminal Justice, (iv) Masters, Accounting and Financial Management, (v) Masters, Cyber Security, (vi) Masters, Business Administration, (vii) Masters, Nursing, (viii) MBA, Database Management.

First-to-Second Year Retention Rates

The retention rate is a measure at which students persist in their educational program at an institution. For Berkeley College, this is the percentage of first-time Bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree-seeking undergraduates from the previous fall who are again enrolled in the current fall.

The retention rate, as reported to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (“IPEDS”), for first-time, full-time (“FTFT”) freshman Bachelor’s degree-seeking students who enrolled in fall 2022 and continued their enrollment in fall 2023 was 69 percent for New Jersey students and 50 percent for New York students. The retention rate for first-time, part-time freshman Bachelor’s degree-seeking students who enrolled in fall 2022 and continued their enrollment in fall 2023 was 50 percent for New Jersey students and 40 percent for New York students.

Among FTFT freshman Associate’s degree-seeking students enrolled in fall 2022, 43 percent of the New Jersey students and 39 percent of the New York students continued their enrollment in fall 2023. Among FTFT freshman certificate-seeking students enrolled in fall 2022, 44 percent of New Jersey students either graduated or continued their enrollment in fall 2023.

Graduation Rates

Federal law requires colleges that participate in certain financial aid programs to report the percentage of first-time degree or certificate-seeking students who successfully completed those programs within one and a half times the “normal time” (for example, that would be six years for a Bachelor’s degree program or three years for an Associate’s degree program). These rates do not include part-time students or students who previously attended another post-secondary institution.

The overall graduation rate, as reported to IPEDS, for FTFT degree-seeking undergraduate students who entered in fall 2017 and successfully completed their programs within 150 percent of “normal time” was 45 percent for New Jersey students and 40 percent for New York students.

Bachelor’s Degree Programs
The graduation rate, as reported to IPEDS, for FTFT freshman Bachelor’s degree-seeking students who entered in fall 2017 and successfully completed their programs by August 31, 2023, was 42 percent for New Jersey students and 42 percent for New York students.

Additional information is available on the College Navigator:
New York: http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?q=berkeley+college&s=all&id=189228
New Jersey: http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?q=berkeley+college&s=all&id=183789

Associate’s Degree and Certificate Programs
The graduation rate for FTFT Associate’s freshman degree-seeking students who entered in fall 2020 and successfully completed their programs by August 31, 2023, was 31 percent for New York students.

Among FTFT freshman associate’s degree-seeking students who entered in fall 2020, 39 percent of New Jersey students successfully completed their programs by August 31, 2023. Among FTFT freshman certificate-seeking students who entered in fall 2020, 44 percent of New Jersey students successfully completed their programs at Berkeley College and graduated by August 31, 2023.

For information about graduation rates broken down by gender, ethnicity, and Pell Grant recipients, go to https://berkeleycollege.edu/pdf/disagg-rates.pdf